
LAtest from the Blog

Birthday Boy!

5/5/24 – Max turned 13 years old yesterday! Whoop! The big floof is getting up there in age. Our YouTube video – Max Happy 13th. Max got 1.25 pounds of Atlantic salmon. He’s not use to eating a pound all at once because he’s been on a diet with half in the morning and half…


4-20-24, heavy sigh. A lot has been going on in my household. My shoulder is healing well but I have some numbness in the forearm, bicep and shoulder blade. The doc said all should get better and that my nerves are aggravated. Hot packs and the tens unit have helped. Time is the therapy. Pearl…

We’re Back!

3/10/24 – I had my post-op appointment on Friday, 3/8 and I was relieved of my sling. He had me move my arm up to the side and in front of me and it hurt. I got it up a little and was told that was fine. I’ve been so good about wearing the sling…

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